Tele-Mental Health can be very helpful in some circumstances, but not all.  It gives clients more choices of professionals, since they are not so limited geographically. Especially if the client lives rurally; or there are no counselors that speak their language; or if work hours, transportation problems, disability or some other obstacle makes it difficult to see a therapist at their office.

Tele-or video-mental health is not appropriate whenever there is risk of harm or self-harm, to the person or to others; when the person is in crisis, and for other situations such as the treatment of children, etc.. I use very effectively in my work the modalities of Neuro-Linguistic Programming and Internal Family Systems. Though I prefer to use those in person, I have used them very effectively also through video. We will discuss whether using tele-mental health is appropriate for your situation.

For Organizational Development consultations, using this method can be ideal, especially initially. This gives organizations in many geographical areas access to productive and affordable help quickly and easily. If the organization then chooses to go beyond the initial consultations and the start of the assessment, I would then travel to be physically present with its people, systems, physical and cultural environments.